Thursday, May 6, 2010

Getting Back in the Saddle

Well it seems to have been a long time since I did any serious running. I had all of these plans about Personal Bests and all but a silly IT Band left me hobbling around instead. I hadn't even been biking or swimming. So much for winning any events that were to be coming up. Oh well.

But since watching my wife get her personal best at the Credit Union 5K Lung Run, I have rested, done physio, rested, drove to work (ugh), rested, compression, heat, ice, ice baths (ugh again) and massage therapy. All of this was in an effort to make sure that come hell or high water I would be running a 10K at the Bluenose (I already paid and I would hate to waste that).

Eventually i got fed up waiting for this blasted thing, so I started to ride my bike a little. The knee felt funny but didn't hurt. Then I started commuting again on my bike. It was nice. I restarted Thursday night swims training and without the crutch of the breast stroke my front crawl has actually become way better.

So finally I had to try some running. Of course I also found out about a new Duathlon for this year which I just had to compete in. Du it for Shelter. Somehow I had to be able to get two 4K runs in when I hadn't run in close to a month. Sure I could walk those legs of the Du but, why would anyone want to do that.

I began last weekend. 1K. That's it. I wouldn't let myself run further. And I stuck to that as well. Some slight pressure on the knee but otherwise good. Six min kilometer though. Oh well.

Then each day add a kilometer. Bend the knee a little more. Push a little harder. Yesterday I ran a 23 minute 5K. A 4:40 pace. Okay so that won't win my anything, won't even be the greatest run I have had at a Du, but I am back. Pain free (well the bad pain anyway). Just in time for what is to be a crazy month of events (I think I have one weekend off).


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